
In painting, my main theme is the relationship between man and animal, intended in the twofold significance of relationship between humans and animals, and between man and his animal component. Animals depicted frontally or in relation to humans are therefore protagonists of my paintings.
The technique I prefer is acrylics on canvas. With the same technique, I also paint on wood. Other times I use enamels on laminated chipboard or on synthetic resin.
In the latter case, we have my Vitellina di bue mischiato, a multicultural calf that brings together the coats of ten different animals: two per continent.
It’s part of a small herd painted by various artists and illustrators in the ambit of the 2006 edition of the Cow Parade, a permanent installation of New Mayer Paediatric Hospital of Florence.
Copyright Daniele Nannini - Via del Campuccio 14 - 50125 Florence, Italy - phone: +39 340 8528900
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